March 9, 2023

Maria Remedios del Valle, the Mother of the Homeland

Maria Remedios del Valle, the Mother of the Homeland

Maria Remedios del Valle is an Afro-Argentine woman, born in 1766 in Buenos Aires and through her brave fighting in the war for independence, she earned the title of "Mother of the Homeland", la madre de la patria. She had to fight for her pension and thanks to the work of Black organizations in Argentina, she is celebrated yearly on November 8. In 2013, November 8th was declared the “Day of Afro-Argentines and Afro-Culture.”

In today's episode, Cristina tells Carmen about her story.

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Ball, E., Seijas, T., &; Snyder, T. (2020). 20 María Remedios del Valle, Nineteenth-Century Argentina. In As if she were free: A collective biography of women and emancipation in the Americas. essay, Cambrigde University Press. 

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